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Team Building Activities

Team building in Spain with OKTeam for groups and companies 


The reason that all kinds of groups engage in dedicated team building activities is because strong bonds  produce more successful outcomes. A Team event has a positive effect on the morale, motivation, confidence and effectiveness of the team and its individual members that immediately transfers to the workplace.

email grande opt  Tel: (+34) 637 795 362 Marcelo Birocco


Eventually, most of us grow up, find careers and settle in. Not a bad thing. But often, we also lose our ability to open up and have fun. And we actually become less effective on the job. Done right, the power of play can help – often dramatically.


The benefits of guided team building include:

* Creating a culture of trust
* Much better communication
* An increase in efficiency
* Greater awareness of the impact each individual has on another
* Communal support
* Expansion of thinking and ideas

And last but not least : A better life.


Go wild; all want to be the hero team! An exciting circuit of fun teambuilding challenges all designed to build  team camaraderie and spirit!


Part cheerleader, part therapist and part camp counselor, with boundless energy and grace. It’s a rare combination. But we go out of our way to hire the best of the best. That’s why so many amazing companies trust us with their most valuable assets.

The Team building events can take place wherever you call us, on our beaches,  Hotel spaces, Football fields, Sport Halls, or our own Campus in Comarruga (up to 70 persons) – you may see pictures here. Remember: All the participating team members will receive a free Photographicreport as a gift:  OKTeam Photo Gallery. And remember: these games are specially designed for companies, but they are also great fun for groups of friends, family celebrations, Hen or Stag parties etc…

A wide range of team building games




After a first step of Ice – Breaking Games, the team will be ready to face any team challenge! They will have to face it in many different ways. Each Team receives a name and a colour and will have to compete ferociously against the others… while having an unforgettable experience, full of fun and laughters. We can organize the games outdoors or indoors, on beaches or in our installations in Comarruga (45 minutes from Barcelona).


The teams meet on the beach of  Castelldefells, Sitges or Comarruga and are divided into groups, no need to be in top shape, only bring your good mood and lots of positive energy! Games such as “Team Volley”, “Ski Slalom”, “Buiding of a catapult”, “the message”, “The Naval Battle” and “Human Table Football”. From 8 to 300 pax.

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These games are Teambuilding challenges with a “story” in the background: based on different themes, the games can be more lively and more fun. They are based on our usual Team Building Games, with an additional twist…

“ALL ABOARD!” Pirate Theme Team Building games, “Tribal Games – Moctezuma’s Secret” – Tribal Theme or Superheroes

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With OKTeam we organize treasure hunts in BarcelonaSitges or Barcelona in Spanish, English, German or French. They are conceived for groups from 8 up to 200 persons (or more). For companies and also great fun for groups of friends, family celebrations, Hen or Stag parties etc….

This  “Amazing Race” is an outstanding teambuilding event combining communication skills, planning, strategy, teamwork and a race against the clock. Each team’s goal is to complete the race course in as little time as possible. In order to do so, teams must interpret a number of “clues”…

The TREASURE HUNT is an excellent and exciting way to discover our most beautiful cities such as BarcelonaSitges or  Tarragona. You may learn about them in an active and unconventional way while having fun, “competing” against other teams.



This game ispossible as an outdoor or indoor activity: Everyone loves watching commercials – and even more if you created them yourself! Imagine your team creating a memorable commercial spot including the jingle and everything that belongs to it!

Teams will have the opportunity to write their script,  aswell as create and shoot their very own commercial.

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Make Your Own Music Video

“I want my MTV!”  Join in the fun as teams are asked to choose a popular song.  After receiving detailed instructions, each team is on it’s own to create the coolest “lip-dub” music video ever!

Team captains are selected to act as Music Video Directors.  The goal is to have all team players perform within the video! Each member will receive it’s own PENDRIVE as a gift at the end of the activity. Enjoy it!

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Your Dr. Clue treasure hunt is designed for your most analytical and creative team members—folks who make their living “hunting” for patterns and analyzing data. We’ll tell you straight away, our treasure hunt clues are pretty darn challenging… as they HAVE TO BE in today’s competitive marketplace. IS YOUR TEAM UP TO THE CHALLENGE? Try to find the criminal helping our C.S.I. police officers.

read more…



Teams are devided into groups and and compete against each other in Team Building Activities, which are designed specially to help groups develop effective communication & problem-solving skills. With each game the teams can win clues in order to resolve the Dr. Clue Mystery!



Owing to too much stress, the workplace has become too serious. Everyone thinks serious people are more responsible and more productive.  However, this is far from true.  More productive people are those who  take their work seriously but take themselves lightly…

Healthy, non-ridiculing and connecting laughter physiological, psychological and spiritual benefits you probably never realized or imagined. We are born with the gift of laughter -it’s being serious that we learn. So, learn to laugh, and live, all over again.


Stress – reducing Games, Simulations, Team Improvising, and all sorts of silly games that you and your team will remember forever!




Cooking workshops for teams - also great combined with our TREASURE HUNTS

– Barcelona : Cook Paella with your team in the cooking workshop on the Ramblas – Fish Paella – Meat Paella – Vegetables Paella – which one do you prefer?

– Tarragona : Old Roman dishes and recipes: The Romans dined on roast pork in spicey sauces, snacked on cheese with dates and nuts, ate omelettes with mushrooms and enjoyed desserts of cheesecake and figs in custard…

– Sitges : We offer cooking workshops, including local cuisine, tapa workshops, etc… aimed at companies (team building – cook in team)


Your team building or hen or stag party on board

Can you imagine a hen or stag party with your friends sailing on the crystaline sea, sunbathing together, having a juicy paella and toasting with cava? Can you imagine walking on white sand and watching the sunset on board? Our Flamenco sailingboat is located in Barcelona Center. Embark with us for an unforgettable excursion, up to 7 persons. It will be a unique experience you will never forget. 


Barcelona Skyline... We offer you a romantic excursion with your friends while you will be able to admire this magical and ephemeral spectacle, when the sun dissapears in the sea like a great fireball. Toast with Champagne, and... Cheers!




A Team event has a positive effect on the morale, motivation, confidence and effectiveness of the team and its individual members that immediately transfers not only to your workplace but also to your private life!

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OK TEAM SL  C./Pepe d'en Garraf, 2-4 Esc B 4-1 08870 Sitges (Barcelona).

Copyright © 2018 OkTeam